miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015


PET Speaking Part 3 Practice Test

Speaking Part 3


Part 3 of the PET Speaking exam lasts about 3 minutes. The examiner will give you a colour photograph and ask you to talk about it on your own for about 1 minute. Try a Part 3 practice test below.

Get Ready!

Get Ready
Try to make your talk easy to understand and follow. Use phrases like 'On the left ...', 'On the right ...', 'In the middle ...', 'In the background' to describe where things are.
The following vocabulary might be useful in this practice test:
party, celebration, birthday, treats, grandparents, grandchildren, grandson, granddaughter
parents, children, sit around the table, enjoy a meal, salad, bowls of food.

Study Tip!

An easy way to prepare for Part 3 is to talk to yourself! Whenever you are alone think of something you could talk about, for example, your plans for the weekend, what you would like to have for dinner what you did yesterday. Then try talking about this for a minute or two. Concentrate on speaking without long pauses - don't worry too much about making mistakes!

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