martes, 16 de junio de 2015


Forms in this Article Can, could, be able to, and managed to. Present Is/am/are able to + main verb Thomas is able to play the piano. Catherine is not able to play the piano. Can + main verb Catherine can play the flute. Thomas can’t play the flute. Both of these forms may be used, in positive or negative, for general or specific ability. Past Was/ were able to + main verb Thomas was able to play the piano when he was a boy. Catherine was not able to play saxophone when she was a girl. This form may be used, in positive or negative, for general or specific ability. Could + verb When Jane was in Austria, she could speak German. Could, in positive, is only used for general ability. When Jane was very young, she couldn’t speak German. Couldn’t is used for general or specific. Managed to Gerry lost control of his car but managed to avoid a crash. This form is only used for specific ability: one time, one situation.

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